最后一季我原本冲着看Evak打酱油的剧情结果Sana不仅是一个cool girlShe is such a queen 编剧从宗教视角切入虽然第三季已经侧面拍过Sana在自己的宗教信仰和好盆友的性取向之间小心翼翼的平衡但这季的关注点更多Sana告诉妈妈自己喜欢Yousef (非穆斯林)质疑为什么不能和非穆斯林结婚Isak 和Sana讨论为什么要解释那些关于宗教的愚蠢问题……废柴五美开着小破车来接被“审判”的Sana海克索斯还有所有季最佳的Imagine大合唱真的是让我莫名泪目
“Creat emotion by resisting emotion. Empty the pond to get the fish.” "There is a presence of something which I call God, but I don't want to show it too much, I prefer to make people feel it." "Being lucid is not the same as being pessimistic."