Tonight most people will be welcomed home, by jumping dogs and squrealing kids. Their spouses will ask about their day, and tonight they'll sleep. The stars will forth from their daytime hiding places. And one of those lights, slightly brighter than the rest, will be my wingtip passing over.
不好看太别扭了不管是北京机场一闪而过的繁体中文指示牌谈法务case在酒吧谈酒吧小食是一大摞发面包子千岁酒(what’s this exactly?)在酒吧点酒跟服务员说再来一瓶白酒(you know baijiu has different brands right?)然后服务员拿着洋酒瓶带着注酒器倒了俩shotsLolo家说着一口流利美式英语的奶奶农村家家户户门口挂着的一串串的长灯笼师娘求放过完整高清在线看还是为了规避重男轻女硬生生让女主成了在中国福利院被领养的韩国人护照丢了就装kpop idol group想浑水摸鱼不出示文件就走包机去韩国包机不成就走海路偷渡完了还和韩国爸爸说我下次会再回来的Like, wtf? 整场电影我的脑子就像被套在沙袋里狂揍了俩小时